24 April 2014

13-24th Apr. Update ~ LD29

Hello everyone!
Sorry for the late blog post, I've been very busy focusing on getting a few things done for NIKRA before I leave on Friday.
On Friday I'll be going off for a holiday, and coincidentally, Ludum Dare 29 is on too.

So, the only way I can compensate, is by making my LD entry 'On the Road'

Here's my LD post: CLICK

Also, from now on I'll be making a changelog of the new things in NIKRA from that week.



  • The Power of Eobirith is being worked on.
  • First boss, Moriiem, is finished.
  • Total UI redesign with a dark-wood and paper theme.
  • Boldémo 'beam in' animation changed. And will change again.
  • Sheathing (with 'R') works a bit better.

I'll see you guys next week!

13 April 2014

13th Apr. Update

This week hasn't been as busy as the last few. But, a lot has been done in NIKRA.
First off the first boss is pretty much finished! With a fight sequencer and death animation!

Here's a quick video of it from my Instagram: CLICK HERE

I'll be going to Easter Camp for 5 days next week, so development for NIKRA may be minimal.

~ ~ ~

Other Things

I have been doing a bit of practice with Blender. I've never used Blender before, and it was a lot of fun!
Low-Poly models were my favourite style of design, so I decided to try it out myself :)

What do you think?

6 April 2014


Hey guys, this is a short one this week!

ALPHA v001 is finished, and is being given to the first few people.

If you're a YouTuber, and have atleast a few hundred Subscribers, email me at seth@endesga.com if you want to be an ALPHA Tester. If I accept, you have to make atleast ONE video Showcasing NIKRA and you giving your honest opinion on how it's progressing.

NIKRA is almost at the stage where the engine is bug-less. This means all I have to do next is add content, and I can't wait!

In other words, ALPHA is not the finished game. It's pretty much just the engine with a few features, so please don't complain that there's nothing to do, because I know :) In the background, there is a lot happening. And to me, as the developer, it is more important that the engine itself works better than anything!



Thank you everyone! I'll see you next week!


ITS OVER 9000!